Config - Clarification
Vank17a = {}
Config = Config or {
Price = {
gj = math.random(40, 250),
ge = math.random(50, 300),
gi = math.random(60, 310),
gh = math.random(60, 310),
gf = math.random(50, 300),
gg = math.random(50, 300),
Items = {
paintinge = "paintinge",
paintingi = "paintingi",
paintingh = "paintingh",
paintingj = "paintingj",
paintingf = "paintingf",
paintingg = "paintingg",
Config.MinAmountKeys= 1 -- Don't change this if you're not sure what you're doing!
Config.MaxAmountKeys = 1 -- Don't change this if you're not sure what you're doing!
Config.Akeys = {
Config.Cooldown = 60 -- 60 minutes
Config.Jobs = "police" -- Jobs Cops
Config.RequiredCops = 4 -- Need a police officer. They are currently [4], you can change it
Config.Notify = "ox" -- Here you can choose which notification to use in the resource / by default esx / ox_lib or your own that you have.
Config.duration = 5000 -- Time that notifications will be displayed.
-- QBCore
Config.system = {
MgameUI = 'np-memory', -- Memory Game Nopixel 3.0
--Thermite Settings
Config.TSettings = {
time = 60, -- time the hack displays for \\ half being showing the puzzle and the other solving
gridsize = 3, -- size of grid by square units, ie. gridsize = 5 is a 5 * 5 (25) square grid
incorrectBlocks = 5 -- incorrectBlocks = number of incorrect blocks after which the game will fail
--Thermite locations to open door
Config.Thermite = vec3(1393.068115, 1127.406616, 114.320923)
Config.Locations = {
sell = {
spawnpoint = vector4(288.558, -2981.1, 4.90696,135.88),
ped = vec4(288.558, -2981.1, 4.90696,135.88),
Config.OxQW = true
Config['ArtHeist'] = {
['nextRob'] = 3000, -- seconds for next heist
['startHeist'] ={ -- heist start coords
pos = vector3(244.346, 374.012, 105.738),
peds = {
{pos = vector3(244.346, 374.012, 105.738), heading = 156.39, ped = 's_m_m_highsec_01'},
{pos = vector3(243.487, 372.176, 105.738), heading = 265.63, ped = 's_m_m_highsec_02'},
{pos = vector3(245.074, 372.730, 105.738), heading = 73.3, ped = 's_m_m_fiboffice_02'}
['sellPainting'] ={ -- sell painting coords
pos = vector3(287.7620, -2981.74, -34.65),
peds = {
{pos = vector3(287.190, -2980.9, 5.72252), heading = 218.0, ped = 's_m_m_highsec_02'}
['painting'] = {
rewardItem = 'paintinge', -- u need add item to database
paintingPrice = '6000', -- price of the reward item for sell
scenePos = vector3(1400.486, 1164.55, 113.4136), -- animation coords
sceneRot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0), -- animation rotation
object = 'ch_prop_vault_painting_01e', -- object (
objectPos = vector3(1400.946, 1164.55, 114.5336), -- object spawn coords
objHeading = 270.0 -- object spawn heading
rewardItem = 'paintingi',
paintingPrice = '6000',
scenePos = vector3(1408.175, 1144.014, 113.4136),
sceneRot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 180.0),
object = 'ch_prop_vault_painting_01i',
objectPos = vector3(1408.175, 1143.564, 114.5336),
objHeading = 180.0
rewardItem = 'paintingh',
paintingPrice = '6000',
scenePos = vector3(1407.637, 1150.74, 113.4136),
sceneRot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
object = 'ch_prop_vault_painting_01h',
objectPos = vector3(1407.637, 1151.17, 114.5336),
objHeading = 0.0
rewardItem = 'paintingj',
paintingPrice = '6000',
scenePos = vector3(1408.637, 1150.74, 113.4136),
sceneRot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
object = 'ch_prop_vault_painting_01j',
objectPos = vector3(1408.637, 1151.17, 114.5336),
objHeading = 0.0
rewardItem = 'paintingf',
paintingPrice = '6000',
scenePos = vector3(1397.586, 1165.579, 113.4136),
sceneRot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0),
object = 'ch_prop_vault_painting_01f',
objectPos = vector3(1397.136, 1165.579, 114.5336),
objHeading = 90.0
rewardItem = 'paintingg',
paintingPrice = '6000',
scenePos = vector3(1397.976, 1165.679, 113.4136),
sceneRot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
object = 'ch_prop_vault_painting_01g',
objectPos = vector3(1397.936, 1166.079, 114.5336),
objHeading = 0.0
['objects'] = { -- dont change (required)
['animations'] = { -- dont change (required)
{"top_left_enter", "top_left_enter_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "top_left_enter_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "top_left_enter_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "top_left_enter_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_top_left_idle", "cutting_top_left_idle_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_top_left_idle_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_top_left_idle_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_top_left_idle_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_top_left_to_right", "cutting_top_left_to_right_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_top_left_to_right_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_top_left_to_right_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_top_left_to_right_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_top_right_idle", "_cutting_top_right_idle_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_top_right_idle_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_top_right_idle_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_top_right_idle_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_right_top_to_bottom", "cutting_right_top_to_bottom_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_right_top_to_bottom_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_right_top_to_bottom_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_right_top_to_bottom_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_bottom_right_idle", "cutting_bottom_right_idle_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_bottom_right_idle_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_bottom_right_idle_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_bottom_right_idle_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_bottom_right_to_left", "cutting_bottom_right_to_left_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_bottom_right_to_left_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_bottom_right_to_left_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_bottom_right_to_left_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_bottom_left_idle", "cutting_bottom_left_idle_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_bottom_left_idle_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_bottom_left_idle_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_bottom_left_idle_w_me_switchblade"},
{"cutting_left_top_to_bottom", "cutting_left_top_to_bottom_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "cutting_left_top_to_bottom_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "cutting_left_top_to_bottom_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "cutting_left_top_to_bottom_w_me_switchblade"},
{"with_painting_exit", "with_painting_exit_ch_prop_ch_sec_cabinet_02a", "with_painting_exit_ch_prop_vault_painting_01a", "with_painting_exit_hei_p_m_bag_var22_arm_s", "with_painting_exit_w_me_switchblade"},
--Spawn random ped
Config.MaleNoHandshoes = {[0] = true, [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [4] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true, [7] = true, [8] = true, [9] = true, [10] = true, [11] = true, [12] = true, [13] = true, [14] = true, [15] = true, [18] = true, [26] = true, [52] = true, [53] = true, [54] = true, [55] = true, [56] = true, [57] = true, [58] = true, [59] = true, [60] = true, [61] = true, [62] = true, [112] = true, [113] = true, [114] = true, [118] = true, [125] = true, [132] = true,}
--Spawn random ped
Config.FemaleNoHandshoes = {[0] = true, [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [4] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true, [7] = true, [8] = true, [9] = true, [10] = true, [11] = true, [12] = true, [13] = true, [14] = true, [15] = true, [19] = true, [59] = true, [60] = true, [61] = true, [62] = true, [63] = true, [64] = true, [65] = true, [66] = true, [67] = true, [68] = true, [69] = true, [70] = true, [71] = true, [129] = true, [130] = true, [131] = true, [135] = true, [142] = true, [149] = true, [153] = true, [157] = true, [161] = true, [165] = true,}
Strings = {
['steal_blip'] = 'Fathers mansion',
['sell_blip'] = 'Paintings will be sold here',
['start_stealing'] = '[E] to play',
['cute_right'] = '[E] to cut right',
['cute_left'] = '[E] to cut left',
['cute_down'] = '[E] to cut down',
['go_steal'] = 'Go to your fathers mansion and the stolen painting.',
['go_sell'] = 'Go to Blip and sell paintings.',
['already_cuting'] = 'Then you are in a robbery.',
['already_heist'] = 'You have already started the robbery. wait for it to end.',
['start_heist'] = '[E] to start theft',
['sell_painting'] = 'I am selling a painting',
['wait_nextrob'] = 'You have to wait to rob again ',
['minute'] = 'Minutes',
['police_alert'] = 'THEFT OF ART WATCH GPS.',
["sucess_sell"] = 'Successfully sell the paintings',
["access_denied"] = "Access was denied and you didn't sell anything!",
["proggbar"] = "Selling",
["youdont_pictures"] = "You don't have all the pictures you need!",
["sell_menu"] = "Sell ββthe paintings",
["txt_menu"] = "You must have all 6 paintings to sell!",
["termite"] = "Thermite failed..",
["mincops"] = "Still, there must be someone to catch you.",
["someone"] = "You are missing something(s)..",
["you_dont"] = "You dont armed a Switchblade",
["selling"] = "Selling",
["haking"] = "Hack Heist",
["nopicture"] = "You don't have the pictures",
["NotifyTittle"] = "VT ART HEIST",
Last updated