This is all the information and configuration that you should review very carefully and change according to your requirements and settings :)
Config = {
Peds = {
Invincible = true, --Do you want the peds to be invincible?
Frozen = true, --Do you want the peds to be unable to move?
Stoic = true, --Do you want the peds to react to what is happening in their surroundings?
Fade = true, -- Do you want the peds to fade into/out of existence?
Distance = 15.0, --The distance you want peds to spawn at
MinusOne = true, --Do you need to subtract from Z axis?
PedList = {
model = "g_m_y_salvaboss_01", --The model name
coords = vector3(174.65, -1315.81, 29.33), --Coordinates of the ped
heading = 239.35, --Heading value
gender = "male", --Gender value
isRendered = false, --Is the ped visible or not?
ped = nil --Placeholder for the ped object
Config.PawShopType = 'ox' -- Choose whether to use "ox" for ox_inventory or use pawnshop type "context" for ox_lib
Config["Core"] = {
DebugEnabled = false,
-- Out of the box support for qb-core and ESX. Any other framework you will have to configure it yourself in client/editable and server/editable files.
-- It doesn't require any advanced knowledge, just look at what qb-core is getting as information and replace these functions with your core's functions.
-- Supported Frameworks:
-- * qb: qb-core,
-- * esx: es_extended,
-- * custom: You can configure it yourself to work with any other framework. If you need help, open a ticket in our discord.
Framework = "qb",
-- Supported Inventories:
-- * ox_inventory -
-- * qb-inventory - Default qb-inventory
-- * custom - You can configure it yourself to work with any other inventory. If you need help, open a ticket in our discord.
Inventory = "ox_inventory",
Target = "ox", -- 'qb', 'ox' or 'custom' | You can edit in client\editable\target-progress
autoclear = {
-- Do you want to enable the auto clearing system?
enable = false,
-- If enable = true, how long (in minutes) should shops be cleared?
interval = 60
Config.PawnShops = {
['PawnShop'] = {
slots = 8, -- How many slots are available
weight = 100000, -- How much weight is available
coords = { x = 174.65, y = -1315.81, z = 29.33 },
account = 'cash', -- Give 'cash', 'bank' or 'dirty' money when selling here?
allowlist = {
-- Any item not in this list, cannot be sold here
-- ['itemSpawnName'] = { label = 'Item Name', price = sellPrice }
['samsungphone'] = { label = "Samsung S20", price = math.random(140, 190) },
['rolex'] = { label = 'Golden Watch', price = math.random(250, 350) },
['tablet'] = { label = 'Tablet', price = math.random(90, 130) },
['laptop'] = { label = 'Laptop', price = math.random(230, 350) },
['iphone'] = { label = 'iPhone 14 Plus', price = math.random(180, 220) },
['fitbit'] = { label = 'Fitbit', price = math.random(80, 100) },
['radio'] = { label = 'Radio', price = math.random(40, 43) },
['diamond_ring'] = { label = 'Diamond Ring', price = math.random(180, 220) },
-- Add & remove items here as desired
placeholders = true, -- If placeholders = true, the shop inventory will be filled with items from the list above
Config.PawnShopsMenu = {
['ContextMenuSell'] = {
allowlist = {
-- Any item not in this list, cannot be sold here
-- ['itemSpawnName'] = { label = 'Item Name', price = sellPrice }
['samsungphone'] = { label = "Samsung S20", price = math.random(140, 190) },
['rolex'] = { label = 'Golden Watch', price = math.random(250, 350) },
['tablet'] = { label = 'Tablet', price = math.random(90, 130) },
['laptop'] = { label = 'Laptop', price = math.random(230, 350) },
['iphone'] = { label = 'iPhone 14 Plus', price = math.random(180, 220) },
['fitbit'] = { label = 'Fitbit', price = math.random(80, 100) },
['radio'] = { label = 'Radio', price = math.random(40, 43) },
['diamond_ring'] = { label = 'Diamond Ring', price = math.random(180, 220) },
-- Add & remove items here as desired
Last updated