How to Install
This page will give you a brief overlook on how to install this resource
Make sure to follow all steps, step by step, if you encounter errors please recheck that you've completed step 1-3 correctly.
Add jerrycan(Optional)
Head over to your qb-core folder inside your resources
Here headover to the shared folder and find items.lua
Paste following code whereever you like within the QBCore.Shared table
Find your inventory in case of qb-inventory
Open up folder html/js and find app.js
This can be done in lj/ps/qb or whatever you use in this case
Special thanks to Lawβ#4585 for the jerrycan help, he also used some new ps inspired animations in the code. I am grateful to him for helping me and canceling me in fixing some problems and improvements with the resource because I didn't have enough time!
Last updated