How to Install
This page will give you a brief overlook on how to install this resource
Important things to install! Follow the steps carefully and you shouldn't have a problem.
Make sure to follow all steps, step by step, if you encounter errors please recheck that you've completed step 1-3 correctly.
Step 1
Insert VT-Surfing.Pack into your server
Remember to Ensure vt-surfing in your server.cfg
Step 2
Run the resource before all resources in server.cfg
# These resources will start by default.
ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager
ensure basic-gamemode
ensure hardcap
ensure baseevents
# QBCore & Extra stuff
ensure qb-core
# VT Scripts
ensure vt-surfing
#Of course if you use the mlo that comes with the resource!
ensure vt-surfboard
ensure cfx-vt-rent-surf
Step 3
Add the following to your ox_inventory
Go to - ox_inventory/data/items.lua -------------------------------- And add this to your items
--VT Surfing
["surfingpapers"] = {
label = "Surfing Papers",
weight = 1,
stack = false,
close = true,
notification = 'Surfing documents. You have known surf for rent. You need this document to return it.'
Go to - ox_inventory/data/shops.lua -------------------------------- And add this to your shops
Surfing = {
name = 'Shop',
inventory = {
{ name = 'burger', price = 15 },
{ name = 'water', price = 10 },
{ name = 'cola', price = 10 },
}, locations = {
vec3(-1339.160400, -1625.472534, 2.893066),
}, targets = {
{ loc = vec3(-1339.160400, -1625.472534, 2.893066), length = 0.7, width = 0.5, heading = 0.0, minZ = 29.5, maxZ = 29.9, distance = 1.5 },
Download and upload this to your images folder. It's way more implicit
A folder - ox_inventory\web\images
Config = {
CoreScriptName = 'es_extended', -- 'es_extended' This is a change to your resource name, namely core, the original one which is ESX
CoreName = 'ESX', -- 'ESX' This is a change to your resource name, namely core, the original one which is ESX
SpawnVehicle = vector4(-1418.88, -1648.82, -0.47, 119.9), -- Spawn location for surfing
SpawnHeading = 119.9, -- Spawn Heading for surfing
SurfTzone = 0.5, -- Target zone
paymentsurfing = 400, -- Surf rental price as a deposit!
ProgressbarTime = 1500, -- Time for a progressbar
surfingpapers = "surfingpapers", -- Items required for return.
Fuel = 'LegacyFuel:SetFuel', -- Your fuel system
FuelValue = 100.0, -- amount of fuel at spawn
Vehicle = 'surfboard',
Blips = { name = "Surf area"}, --Name blips surfing
Zones = {
LocationVehicleEntering2 = {
Pos = {x = -1371.85, y = -1624.87, z = 2.73},
Size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z= 0.5},
Color = {r = 209, g = 255, b = 0},
Type = 1,
--FiveM's list of Ped Models can be found here:
--A list of all the animations can be found here:
Invincible = true, --Do you want the peds to be invincible?
Frozen = true, --Do you want the peds to be unable to move? It's probably a yes, so leave true in there.
Stoic = true, --Do you want the peds to react to what is happening in their surroundings?
Fade = true,-- Do you want the peds to fade into/out of existence? It looks better than just *POP* its there.
Distance = 15.0, --The distance you want peds to spawn at
--Does the system you use for grabbing coordinates require subracting from the z axis?
--If so, set this to true. You'll have to adjust the coordinates for defaults down - 1 if you set false.
MinusOne = true,
PedList = {
--- PEDS RENT ---
model = "s_m_y_baywatch_01", --The model name. See above for the URL of the list.
coords = vector3(-1371.77, -1624.87, 3.73), --HAIR ON HAWICK AVE
heading = 118.75, --Must be a float value. This means it needs a decimal and a number after the decimal.
gender = "female", --Use male or female
--animDict = "", --The animation dictionary. Optional. Comment out or delete if not using.
--animName = "", --The animation name. Optional. Comment out or delete if not using.
isRendered = false,
ped = nil,
--- PEDS RENT ---
model = "s_m_y_clown_01", --The model name. See above for the URL of the list.
coords = vector3(-1338.0, -1625.09, 3.09), --HAIR ON HAWICK AVE
heading = 98.3, --Must be a float value. This means it needs a decimal and a number after the decimal.
gender = "female", --Use male or female
--animDict = "", --The animation dictionary. Optional. Comment out or delete if not using.
--animName = "", --The animation name. Optional. Comment out or delete if not using.
isRendered = false,
ped = nil,
Lang = {
--ESX Menu Translation
["mheader"] = "Surfing",
["mlabel"] = "Rent Surf",
["mtxt"] = "Rent a surfboard for $ 400",
["mexit"] = "Exit",
--ESX Target Translation
["Talk"] = "Talk to rent surf",
["Take"] = "Take Depo Surf",
["Shops"] = "Surfing Shops",
--Spawn Vehicle Translation
["yourent"] = "You rented a surfboard",
["youowner"] = "You've already surfed",
["nomoney"] = "You don't have enough money, poor thing!",
--Delete Vehicle Translation
["takerent"] = "You returned the surfboard back to the savior!",
["notakerent"] = "No surfboard to return",
["progheade"] = "Hiring..",
["progcancel"] = "Something went wrong",
--Notify OX
["oxtittle"] = "Notification Surfing",
Last updated